These last several weeks we have been examining how to have a God-centered 2009. To begin with, try not to look at 2009 as, “What can I accomplish this year?” But rather, “Who can I serve and minister to this year?” Jesus gave us this example in John 13:12-17. As He finished washing the feet of His disciples, He asked them if they understood what He had done for them. To truly grasp the concept Christ was teaching, imagine Jesus finished washing your feet and asked you the same thing. We are never to big, or important, to serve one another. The same truths of His earthly time are viable during our time. He lived this to the extreme when He hung on a rough, splintered cross with His life slowly draining from His flesh. It wasn’t for His salvation that He died and rose from the grave; it was for our salvation that He endured excruciating pain, shame, and separation from God, the Father. This is true servant hood; to lose your life for one who hates and despises you.
Further ways to have a happier new year include a belief in Jesus’ power to save and strengthen us. We must trust in Jesus to save us from our own sin and destruction—He is continually interceding for us to the Father. And during those times when we feel like we are going to be washed away by the onslaught of the world, overtaken by our sinful desires, or just plain tired of everything, Jesus is there to stand beside us and to keep us safe. Contemplate this! You’re standing on a small rock in the middle of the ocean and a 140 foot swell is rapidly coming toward you with the expressed intent of not just drowning you, but crushing you. Next to you is a calm and authoritative Jesus. With a simple phrase, “Peace, be still,” the wave freezes and collapses in on itself in response to the regal voice. That is the strength of Jesus!
Finally, if we abide by “The Four B’s”, we will have a happier new year. If we BELIEVE in Jesus Christ and repent of our sins, the Lord will be with us every step of the way (Joshua 1:9). If we BEHAVE in a way that exemplifies Jesus Christ, the glory of the Lord will be displayed—our actions speak louder than our words (remember Christ’s example at the beginning of this post). If we BEWARE of the deceptions of men (Colossians 2:8) and the snares of the devil (1 Peter 5:8), we will live longer, healthier lives and have an effective testimony to share with our family, friends, and neighbors. Lastly, if we realize and remember that we BELONG to Jesus Christ, we will live a happier and healthier eternity with Him. These “B’s” are the basis for a new beginning. But it starts with forgiveness of your sins. Take a look at the section on the right entitled, “A Life-Changing Prayer”. Go through this with a sincere heart and Jesus will forgive you of your sins and help you with the beginning of your new life. Still not convinced? Hold onto this earth-shaking truth, God gave up that which He most valued—His son Jesus Christ (a part of Himself). Jesus was perfect, eternal, and kingly; and now, is scarred, resurrected, and a brother to us. That is how much God values you as an individual. Now read that section on the right of this post and allow the Lord to be the center of your 2009.
Eastpoint Now

Sunday, January 18, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
From the Pastor's Heart
Another year is before us, and now is the time for the annual making of “New Year Resolutions”. Unfortunately, the rest of the year is usually dedicated to the breaking of those same resolutions. This past Sunday, we studied 10 New Year’s resolutions from the wisest man who ever lived (and “No”, not Jesus—He was both God and man). In Proverbs, chapter 3, Solomon gives 10 fundamental truths that will provide clarity for our unique life pathways. By listing them here (with additional commentary in parentheses), it is my desire for you to apply these to the many different decisions you may come across in your life’s pathway. In addition, the corresponding verses of chapter 31 will follow each resolution.
Res. 1: Let love and faithfulness never leave you (you will win favor in God’s eyes)-v. 3-4
Res. 2: Trust in the Lord with all your heart (place a firm and confident belief in God’s plan for your life)-v. 5-6
Res. 3: Do not be wise in your own eyes (instead, live dependently upon God)-v. 7-8
Res. 4: Honor the Lord with your wealth (God will see that your every need will be met)-v. 9-10
Res. 5: Do not despise the Lord’s discipline (He disciplines those He loves; it is a good thing)-v. 11-12
Res. 6: Search diligently for wisdom and find it (as we get older, we need more wisdom)-v. 13-24
Res. 7: Have no fear (remember, God is ALWAYS in control)-v. 25-26
Res. 8: Do not withhold good from those who deserve it (take care of your “business” [bills, utilities, etc.])-v. 27-28
Res. 9: Do not plot harm against your neighbor (don’t be a quarrelsome people; God does not like complainers or “pot-stirrers”)-v. 29-30
Res. 10: Do not envy a violent man or choose any of his ways (God will not share of Himself with individuals of this sort)-v. 31-32
(Verses 33-35 continue with more of the promises of God, if we stay true to these commands.)
To fully appreciate and follow these resolutions, we have to take one important step—we have to be adopted sons or daughters of God. This is accomplished by asking Jesus Christ to forgive you of your sins and ask Him to be the Lord and Savior of your life. If you would like to experience life in a whole new way, now is the time. The beginning of the year is perfect for breaking free from the bondage that sin has placed upon you and resolving to live for God in the upcoming 50 weeks, and beyond. Turn your attention to the section on the right entitled, “A Life-Changing Prayer”. Go through it and sincerely resolve to live by its premise. A resolution of this magnitude now will result in an unimaginable hereafter.
Have a blessed week,
Pastor Claude
Res. 1: Let love and faithfulness never leave you (you will win favor in God’s eyes)-v. 3-4
Res. 2: Trust in the Lord with all your heart (place a firm and confident belief in God’s plan for your life)-v. 5-6
Res. 3: Do not be wise in your own eyes (instead, live dependently upon God)-v. 7-8
Res. 4: Honor the Lord with your wealth (God will see that your every need will be met)-v. 9-10
Res. 5: Do not despise the Lord’s discipline (He disciplines those He loves; it is a good thing)-v. 11-12
Res. 6: Search diligently for wisdom and find it (as we get older, we need more wisdom)-v. 13-24
Res. 7: Have no fear (remember, God is ALWAYS in control)-v. 25-26
Res. 8: Do not withhold good from those who deserve it (take care of your “business” [bills, utilities, etc.])-v. 27-28
Res. 9: Do not plot harm against your neighbor (don’t be a quarrelsome people; God does not like complainers or “pot-stirrers”)-v. 29-30
Res. 10: Do not envy a violent man or choose any of his ways (God will not share of Himself with individuals of this sort)-v. 31-32
(Verses 33-35 continue with more of the promises of God, if we stay true to these commands.)
To fully appreciate and follow these resolutions, we have to take one important step—we have to be adopted sons or daughters of God. This is accomplished by asking Jesus Christ to forgive you of your sins and ask Him to be the Lord and Savior of your life. If you would like to experience life in a whole new way, now is the time. The beginning of the year is perfect for breaking free from the bondage that sin has placed upon you and resolving to live for God in the upcoming 50 weeks, and beyond. Turn your attention to the section on the right entitled, “A Life-Changing Prayer”. Go through it and sincerely resolve to live by its premise. A resolution of this magnitude now will result in an unimaginable hereafter.
Have a blessed week,
Pastor Claude
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