Eastpoint Now

Eastpoint Now

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Think about this and don’t gloss over the words when reading them—you are undeservingly loved by God. What does that mean? Not only can you not earn God’s love, but you shouldn’t even receive God’s love because of your sinful nature. God hates sin, and yet we sin on a daily basis; the saved and unsaved alike. But with all this going on, God still loves us and desires to spend time with us here on earth and eternity with us in heaven (see the Life Changing Prayer on the side).

How do I know God is crazy about each and every one of us? Let’s look at the stuff we, as humans, know. There is no such thing as “love at first sight” with people. There may be physical attraction, but true love doesn’t begin to DEVELOP until after we begin to know someone. True love involves conversation, interaction, and the growth of trust between individuals. In the obtainment of friendships, we have the same type of advancement—conversation, interaction, and trust. Human love between individuals only comes after some sort of stepwise growth (the only exception being the love between a parent and a child, but this follows God’s example).

God, on the other hand, immediately loves us; independent of anything we have done to deserve His adoration. Romans 5:8 states, “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” No conversation, no interaction, no trust needed for His love. He wants to hear from you, He wants to talk with you, and He wants to spend eternity with you without any qualifying steps for you to complete. He only asks that you allow Christ into your heart (afore mentioned prayer) so that you can begin to develop a relationship with Him and be with Him in heaven.

Here is the mind blower…He still loves you even when you are living in a sinful manner. Whether you are saved or not, whether you give praise or cursing to His ear, whether you live by His commands or your own selfish desires, God still loves you and wishes to know you through the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Don’t believe me, look back up at Romans 5:8—God gave up a part of His perfect being to be ridiculed, humiliated, beaten mercilessly, and eventually murdered all so that you would spend an eternity with him. And that was before you were born. Still think this is improbable. Here is one last mental cruncher…If God didn’t want to know you, you would never have existed to read this. But because of who you are as an individual (created by Him, Psalms 139:13, 14), God wants you to know Him and develop a relationship with him. And all before you even knew about Him. Now that is undeserving love.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

3 Basic Life-Changing Truths

You want to know 3 basic truths that will completely change the way you live? Check out the tenth chapter of Luke. Take a moment to read it, I’ll wait for you.

Did you see them? No? I’ll point them out real quick. In verse 20, Jesus tells the disciples He sent out to, “not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but to rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” In other words, don’t rejoice in your ministry, but rather rejoice in the fact that you are saved and destined for heaven. Our joy should be based upon the saving grace of Jesus Christ, not on what we can do as an individual.

So now you’re saved and have a lot of joy, what’s point 2? How do we inherit eternal life? The answer is found in verses 27 and 28. “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength, and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Jesus stated, “Do this and you will live.” This is also found as the greatest commandments in Matthew 22:37-39; the greatest in verses 37 and 38, and the second greatest in 39. When you love God with all that is you (spiritual, eternal, physical, and mental/emotional, respectfully), God returns that love back to you 10-fold, 1000-fold, 10,000-fold, etc. You then have so much of God’s love bubbling and pouring out of you, that loving your enemies, your family, your friends, and those in need becomes a little easier.

Our third, and final, basic truth to a life-changing outcome is found in verses 40-42. We find Martha busy trying to prepare for Jesus; I mean, He’s the Guy, the Dude, the King—He deserves the best. And Lazy Mary is sitting back doing nothing! Or is she? When Martha approaches Jesus about her concerns, Jesus tells her (and US) that Mary has chosen to do that which is more important, spending time with Him. If we allow the” busyiness” of our lives to overshadow and override our relationship with God, then we will begin to lose out on the previous 2 truths that we just studied. And, we will fail to benefit from those gifts of joy and love that God intends for us to have on a daily basis.

Now that you know what the 3 basic truths are, look at the order of how they were documented. God didn’t have Luke put these principles down in a haphazardly fashion. They are written in a specific order: joy of salvation, love for God/others, and spending time with God. Spend time in prayer asking the Holy Spirit to show you how the order and implementation of these truths can greatly change the way you lead your life.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Well, our grandsons are back in town. Everything is rocking and shaking again.
Just yesterday, our youngest grandson found out that another little boy that he had some problems with last year was not going to be in his classroom at school this year. When his mother told him, he said, “Praise the Lord.” He is learning to give thanks in ALL things.

Pastor will be sharing with us Sunday from Exodus 17:11. Moses held up his arms during a battle with the Amalekites. As long as his arms were up, the Israelites were winning, however when he lowered this arms, the Amalekites would began to win.

Are you handing your family’s arms up in prayer? Are you encouraging someone today?

Come join us at Eastpoint to learn more from God’s Word.

Friday, July 23, 2010

This has been quite an interesting few weeks. Pastor has started a series named “Twisted”.
Wow, have our lives seem a little twisted. My job is being outsourced after 26 years of employment to the same company. Our daughter is recently divorced. Our grandsons are off to Texas for a month.
Life can seem to get a little twisted sometimes, can’t it?
Pastor relayed to us that Satan wants to twist our thoughts and actions to be in alignment with evil in a tricky way. God wants to align our life according the His principles. Giving freedom in Him and life with Him ever after.
Eastpoint is wonderful place to learn about God’s word and have fellwowship with other people just like you.

Friday, July 2, 2010

What a wonderful Block Party we had last weekend! 7 souls found Christ Saturday and Sunday.

Start planning to come and hear Bethany Hartman, missionary to the Arabian Peninsula next Sunday. She is special lady to go to place God has called her.

Wednesday nights have been great! Pastor’s topic for the month of July is “Keep the fire on the altar.”

This Sunday morning’s sermon is “Our Spiritual Independence Day”. Galatians 5:1 says “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”

See you at Eastpoint!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Pastor is speaking Wednesday evenings on “Are you Thirsty” What are you thirsty for?

I am always thirsty for a crushed ice coke at Sonic. I crave them. Am I as thirsty for God’s word as I am for a crushed ice coke? Do I crave to hear from God and do what He has asked me to do? Something to work on.

Come join us on Wednesday night. We have a great time of praise and worship, then hear a very timely word for Pastor Claude and close with group time of prayer.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Ever since Pastor started his “When the fasten the seat belt sign comes on” series,
we have had events where I was thankful that we had the seatbelt of prayer on.

1 Kings 19:12 “After the earthquake, came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.” Well, I have been through the fire this week and I am ready to hear a whisper from God for direction.

Come and be ready along with me to hear from the Word of God.

Friday, June 4, 2010

What a great Memorial Day service we had!

This Sunday, Pastor is starting his series “Fasten Your Seatbelts”. I can’t wait for this one. Our grandsons are so good about buckling up. The way their mother drives, they need too!

Our June theme for our Wednesday service is “Are you Thirsty”? What are you thirsty for?

We are getting ready for our block party on June 26. If you are in the area, please come and join us.

See you Sunday. There is always something new happening at Eastpoint.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Finally, some sunny days!

Pastor spoke to our hearts about our conscience last week and will continue this week.
Deuteronomy 8:6 “Observe the commands of the Lord your God, walking in obedience to him and revering him”. In fact, I think I just stretched the truth about something today. Thank you, Lord, for quickening my conscience.

Our Wednesday night services have been well attended with the presence of God being imminent.

This Sunday evening, we have John and Judy Heide ministering to us in song and word.

Please join us. We are growing, but you want to you to apart of something good!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Mother’s Day was great at Eastpoint!

Our Wednesday night services have been rejuvenating and enlightening. This Wednesday, Pastor Claude will prepare Pastor Claude’s famous meatloaf dinner. Dinner will be at 6:00pm for $3.00 then our worship will follow.

This Sunday, Pastor will be bringing the Word and ending the service with Holy Communion.
Cosmo and Rickah Panzetta with Jewish Ministries will be with us both services.

Please come and join us.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

This Sunday Pastor will continue with the series “Consecrate”, becoming Loving & Sacrificial. “If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” That is a sobering thought. I don’t about you but right now all I can say is I hope so. Come Sunday and see how Pastor might help show us how to be more confident with our answer.

Sunday night we are going to be blessed with the “Heart of America Teen Challenge”
Come and hear the wonderful testimonies of how God has changed and transformed lives.
Hope to see you Sunday

Thursday, April 15, 2010

What a wonderful time we had with our missionary friends Aaron and Julie! We had great services and looking forward to this Sunday. Pastor’s sermon was powerful!

Pastor’s sermon this Sunday is from 1 John 3:10 “This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are. Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God, nor I anyone who does not love his brother”.

Sunday evenings, Jerry Rice will be speaking from the book of Mark. It will be followed by a verse by verse study of the book of Mark in our 9:30am Sunday School.

April 25th the Heart of America Teen Challenge in Lawrence Kansas will be joining us in our evening service.

May 5 starts a Wednesday night services. Our theme is “How Big is Our God”

May 16, Cosmo and Rivkah Panzetta missionaries to Jewish Ministries will be Word of God.

Exciting events for the summer are in the works. Come and be apart of the Eastpoint family

Thursday, April 8, 2010

This Sunday’s sermon is titled “Honoring God in our Relationships”. Start reading in Ephesians 5:21 “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ”.

Sunday night, missionaries to the Czech Republic Aaron & Julie Davis will be sharing.
This is a precious couple with a sweet baby who will be leaving America to preach the gospel in a foreign land. Come experience their enthusiasm for Christ.

Pastor and I are so excited about starting our Wednesday night services on May 5th.
“How great is our God” is our theme with an emphasis on prayer.

You are missing out by not coming to Eastpoint!

Friday, April 2, 2010

This afternoon we will be celebrating our first Good Friday Service. Honoring our, Lord and Savior, who died on the cross for our sins.

We are excited about Easter Sunday! The sun is supposed to be shining and Pastor has a great Easter message “They Didn’t Understand”. In Luke 18:13-17, the disciples did not understand any of this. The meaning was hidden from them and they did not know what He was talking about. Come hear how these interesting verses can come alive!

Easter eggs will all over our church property for a great Easter egg hunt after service.

Starting Wednesday May 5, we will be having a mid week service. A devotional will be shared and then a time of prayer and rejoicing. Come be apart of something new.

Sunday evenings have been so refreshing with the study of Ephesians. This Sunday night Pastor will be sharing from Ephesians 6:13-17, “Don’t Lose your Mind”.

If you do not have church home, come and try Eastpoint!

Friday, March 26, 2010

It has been a wonderful several weeks at Eastpoint! We have been so busy; I have not been able to report everything.

Pastor preached Sunday about doing our work as unto the Lord. Boy, I have really had to keep repeating that to myself this week.

This Sunday, Pastor’s AM sermon will be “The Trail and Death of Jesus”. Yes, it is already the Easter season, celebrating the resurrection of Christ.

Next Sunday is our Easter egg hunt on our church property after service. We expect a big crowd. We want everyone to invite their friends.

Sunday evening we have been wonderful services. Going through the book of Ephesians has been so enlightening.

Pray for sunshine, but even if there is no sun, we will come to worship the Son of God.

See you at Eastpoint.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Well, we are praying for no more SNOW.

This Sunday Pastor is sharing from Philippians 4:11 “I learned in whatever state I am, to be content. Wow, I need this sermon. Come join us.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

GI Joe Or Sgt. Rock?

Back in the day, there were two men. Both were the same, but different, too. Their names were G.I. Joe and Sgt. Rock. Both were highly trained soldiers; they knew their jobs and their enemies well. However, their differences easily identified them. Joe had all the cool stuff—the largest weapons and firearms, the newest technologies, and the most hopped-up vehicles around. Not to mention the fact that he was a good-looking guy matched only by his chivalrous approach. Yeah, the members of the opposite gender just never had a chance.

Now Sgt. Rock on the other hand, he had two items he carried with him at all times: his pack and his trusted M-16 rifle. With those two items, Sgt. Rock could take down small, insurgent countries that were imposing on the freedoms of others. He wasn’t as debonair as Joe. He was shorter, wore fatigues with the sleeves rolled up to his mid-bicep, and had a grimace permanently frozen on his mission bound face. NOTHING could stop Rock from accomplishing the mission—nothing.

Now if we are soldiers for Christ in a continuous battle with the forces of the devil, we could reasonably fall into a “Joe” category or a “Rock” category. A “Joe” category would be one where you have all the most recent gadgetry to win souls for Jesus. You have the latest downloaded version of the Bible, you have satellite radio tuned to a Christian station continuously, and you have GPS maps to all of the best churches in town (the ones with top-of-the-line sound systems, great worship teams, soft pews, etc.). The “Rock” category is a little less “geared up”. You have a well-used Bible; which is handy because you have practiced access to scriptures that are pertinent to winning souls. You know numerous hymns, in case you are in an area where there are no Christian radio stations. And if someone asks you where there is a great church to be involved with, you know members of different churches who teach the sound gospel of Jesus Christ; friendly contacts who can help others achieve the potential God has prepared for them.

Don’t get me wrong. Both soldiers are ready and able to do the job placed before them, just their methods may be different. The question you have to ask yourself is this: Are you allowing the method to interfere with the goal of the mission—to win souls for Jesus? Are you relying too much on the latest and greatest technology to do the job for you that people don’t understand how to accept, and are not accepting Christ as their Savior? Or, are you so proud of your abilities with the least amount of help from tools you have been given that some souls may be missed by your need to prove what you are capable of? Once you have identified your military discipline, ask God to help you fine tune your training; in order that you can be a more effective soul-winning machine.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

We have adopted the CBC basketball team. They have helped Eastpoint with our Thanksgiving outreaches and now we feel that they are a part of us.

Come join us this Saturday to cheer them on at Park College.

Please see the ticket prices listed below:

$6.00 Adults
$3.00 seniors 55 & over
$4.00 Students/children
Free-Children under 6 years of age

Contact 816-584-6425 Athletics Dept-Park College

Also, join us Sunday to hear Rev Cynthia Sumner who has beautiful testimony how God sustained her and her husband through troublous times.

Sunday night, Pastor will continue in Ephesians. “Doing Life with God: What God wouldn’t Do for you! We have been having wonderful services.

Please join us. Let God be the first love of your life!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Since Pastor’s message series “Taking It To The Next Level”, we have several Eastpointer’s expanding their ministry to the next level.

Our church is growing because the word is getting out about what is happening at Eastpoint.

February 14, Cynthia Sumner will be speaking in the Sunday Am service.
We are calling this a Love Feast Day with a catered dinner following the service.

Cynthia has a precious anointed word to share. Her husband, Larry, had a
horrible car accident, which some had left him for dead. Because of her persistent interceding prayer for her husband, God brought them through trial after trial. Please plan to be with us for this special service.

The Spirit of God is demonstrated in every service and we welcome you to enjoy His presence with us.

See you this Sunday!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Sunday, January 24, Pastor is preaching on taking us to the next level in our performance in life with Christ.
Hebrews 6:1 “Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death and of faith in God”.

Sunday evening has been a blessing to go through the book of Ephesians. His Sermon series “Doing life with God” Ephesians 2:11-12 will be the passage taught on this Sunday PM Service.

Our praise and worship is wonderful in both service. The PM Service is led by our youth and they are excited and encourage us to worship.

Come join us in both services. It is only about four hours of your time on Sunday. It is just a little compared to what we expect from HIM.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Well, shall we ask ourselves are we enjoying this cold, snowy, arctic weather?

Even though it is bitter cold outside, it is warm with God’s presence in Eastpoint!

Pastor is preaching an illustrated sermon on”The Narrow Road”
Matthew 7:13-14
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it.”

“What gate are you going to take”?

Most of us have to get to go to work through the week, let us make a concerted effort to come to God’s house to give Him our time.

What the New Year brings us depends a great deal on what we bring to the New Year.

See you Sunday!