Eastpoint Now

Eastpoint Now

Friday, February 19, 2010

Well, we are praying for no more SNOW.

This Sunday Pastor is sharing from Philippians 4:11 “I learned in whatever state I am, to be content. Wow, I need this sermon. Come join us.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

GI Joe Or Sgt. Rock?

Back in the day, there were two men. Both were the same, but different, too. Their names were G.I. Joe and Sgt. Rock. Both were highly trained soldiers; they knew their jobs and their enemies well. However, their differences easily identified them. Joe had all the cool stuff—the largest weapons and firearms, the newest technologies, and the most hopped-up vehicles around. Not to mention the fact that he was a good-looking guy matched only by his chivalrous approach. Yeah, the members of the opposite gender just never had a chance.

Now Sgt. Rock on the other hand, he had two items he carried with him at all times: his pack and his trusted M-16 rifle. With those two items, Sgt. Rock could take down small, insurgent countries that were imposing on the freedoms of others. He wasn’t as debonair as Joe. He was shorter, wore fatigues with the sleeves rolled up to his mid-bicep, and had a grimace permanently frozen on his mission bound face. NOTHING could stop Rock from accomplishing the mission—nothing.

Now if we are soldiers for Christ in a continuous battle with the forces of the devil, we could reasonably fall into a “Joe” category or a “Rock” category. A “Joe” category would be one where you have all the most recent gadgetry to win souls for Jesus. You have the latest downloaded version of the Bible, you have satellite radio tuned to a Christian station continuously, and you have GPS maps to all of the best churches in town (the ones with top-of-the-line sound systems, great worship teams, soft pews, etc.). The “Rock” category is a little less “geared up”. You have a well-used Bible; which is handy because you have practiced access to scriptures that are pertinent to winning souls. You know numerous hymns, in case you are in an area where there are no Christian radio stations. And if someone asks you where there is a great church to be involved with, you know members of different churches who teach the sound gospel of Jesus Christ; friendly contacts who can help others achieve the potential God has prepared for them.

Don’t get me wrong. Both soldiers are ready and able to do the job placed before them, just their methods may be different. The question you have to ask yourself is this: Are you allowing the method to interfere with the goal of the mission—to win souls for Jesus? Are you relying too much on the latest and greatest technology to do the job for you that people don’t understand how to accept, and are not accepting Christ as their Savior? Or, are you so proud of your abilities with the least amount of help from tools you have been given that some souls may be missed by your need to prove what you are capable of? Once you have identified your military discipline, ask God to help you fine tune your training; in order that you can be a more effective soul-winning machine.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

We have adopted the CBC basketball team. They have helped Eastpoint with our Thanksgiving outreaches and now we feel that they are a part of us.

Come join us this Saturday to cheer them on at Park College.

Please see the ticket prices listed below:

$6.00 Adults
$3.00 seniors 55 & over
$4.00 Students/children
Free-Children under 6 years of age

Contact 816-584-6425 Athletics Dept-Park College

Also, join us Sunday to hear Rev Cynthia Sumner who has beautiful testimony how God sustained her and her husband through troublous times.

Sunday night, Pastor will continue in Ephesians. “Doing Life with God: What God wouldn’t Do for you! We have been having wonderful services.

Please join us. Let God be the first love of your life!