You want to know 3 basic truths that will completely change the way you live? Check out the tenth chapter of Luke. Take a moment to read it, I’ll wait for you.
Did you see them? No? I’ll point them out real quick. In verse 20, Jesus tells the disciples He sent out to, “not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but to rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” In other words, don’t rejoice in your ministry, but rather rejoice in the fact that you are saved and destined for heaven. Our joy should be based upon the saving grace of Jesus Christ, not on what we can do as an individual.
So now you’re saved and have a lot of joy, what’s point 2? How do we inherit eternal life? The answer is found in verses 27 and 28. “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength, and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Jesus stated, “Do this and you will live.” This is also found as the greatest commandments in Matthew 22:37-39; the greatest in verses 37 and 38, and the second greatest in 39. When you love God with all that is you (spiritual, eternal, physical, and mental/emotional, respectfully), God returns that love back to you 10-fold, 1000-fold, 10,000-fold, etc. You then have so much of God’s love bubbling and pouring out of you, that loving your enemies, your family, your friends, and those in need becomes a little easier.
Our third, and final, basic truth to a life-changing outcome is found in verses 40-42. We find Martha busy trying to prepare for Jesus; I mean, He’s the Guy, the Dude, the King—He deserves the best. And Lazy Mary is sitting back doing nothing! Or is she? When Martha approaches Jesus about her concerns, Jesus tells her (and US) that Mary has chosen to do that which is more important, spending time with Him. If we allow the” busyiness” of our lives to overshadow and override our relationship with God, then we will begin to lose out on the previous 2 truths that we just studied. And, we will fail to benefit from those gifts of joy and love that God intends for us to have on a daily basis.
Now that you know what the 3 basic truths are, look at the order of how they were documented. God didn’t have Luke put these principles down in a haphazardly fashion. They are written in a specific order: joy of salvation, love for God/others, and spending time with God. Spend time in prayer asking the Holy Spirit to show you how the order and implementation of these truths can greatly change the way you lead your life.
Did you see them? No? I’ll point them out real quick. In verse 20, Jesus tells the disciples He sent out to, “not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but to rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” In other words, don’t rejoice in your ministry, but rather rejoice in the fact that you are saved and destined for heaven. Our joy should be based upon the saving grace of Jesus Christ, not on what we can do as an individual.
So now you’re saved and have a lot of joy, what’s point 2? How do we inherit eternal life? The answer is found in verses 27 and 28. “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength, and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Jesus stated, “Do this and you will live.” This is also found as the greatest commandments in Matthew 22:37-39; the greatest in verses 37 and 38, and the second greatest in 39. When you love God with all that is you (spiritual, eternal, physical, and mental/emotional, respectfully), God returns that love back to you 10-fold, 1000-fold, 10,000-fold, etc. You then have so much of God’s love bubbling and pouring out of you, that loving your enemies, your family, your friends, and those in need becomes a little easier.
Our third, and final, basic truth to a life-changing outcome is found in verses 40-42. We find Martha busy trying to prepare for Jesus; I mean, He’s the Guy, the Dude, the King—He deserves the best. And Lazy Mary is sitting back doing nothing! Or is she? When Martha approaches Jesus about her concerns, Jesus tells her (and US) that Mary has chosen to do that which is more important, spending time with Him. If we allow the” busyiness” of our lives to overshadow and override our relationship with God, then we will begin to lose out on the previous 2 truths that we just studied. And, we will fail to benefit from those gifts of joy and love that God intends for us to have on a daily basis.
Now that you know what the 3 basic truths are, look at the order of how they were documented. God didn’t have Luke put these principles down in a haphazardly fashion. They are written in a specific order: joy of salvation, love for God/others, and spending time with God. Spend time in prayer asking the Holy Spirit to show you how the order and implementation of these truths can greatly change the way you lead your life.