Even when we are in the middle of a less than wise moment, it is extremely comforting to know that, as Christians, we are in the hand of God. God is a place of refuge, a place of shelter, a place of protection when we are involved in something that has the potential to cause us harm. This week we began a sermon series based on keeping ourselves “Under Cover”—the cover of God’s protection.
There are two key concepts that have be understood and lived out in order for this protection to encapsulate us. For starters, we have to be submissive to God. And not only God, but to those whom God has placed in authority over us. By placing ourselves in this position, we allow for God to protect us from any number of dangers that we cannot see physically or spiritually. Conversely, if we rebel against those in authority, we rebel against God and bring whatever destruction upon ourselves (see Romans 13:1&2). This isn’t the rebellion against tyranny or wrongdoing, but the blatant disregard for the laws of a society that are meant for the safety of its citizens. An example would be the driving of one’s vehicle at approximately 126 mph in a 65 mph zone; not a wise, submissive decision.
The second concept is similar to the first—obedience. God wants us to simply follow His direction in our lives, families, jobs, ministries, etc. If we follow God’s will in these areas, we will be an unstoppable Bride for Jesus Christ. The interaction of submission and obedience results in an incredible outcome. By giving ourselves over to God, we develop a broken and humble spirit (Psalms 51:16&17). We were blessed by a tongue and interpretation earlier during the worship service that asked this very idea of us. God let us know that He is in control of all calamities; He wanted us to submit ourselves to Him and lay our burdens down at His feet. Submission and obedience are two Kingdom Principles we should place at the forefront of our hearts.
On Sunday evening we continued our study of the book of Revelation—chapter 17. In this chapter John describes a prostitute (a one world religion) that the antichrist uses to secure his power. Over time the antichrist will destroy this religion and promote himself as God. The antichrist will then gather the kings of the earth (10 of them) and make war against the Lamb of God. Jesus “the true” Christ will overcome them and establish His kingdom (later in the book). What is of interest is how God will use evil people to accomplish His purposes and fulfill His Word. God will try to love humanity to Him, but sometimes God allows adversity to occur to bring humanity to Him. A visit from the Holy Spirit, in tongues and interpretation, earlier in the evening was similar. God wants us to come to Him, He desires it.
This is of upmost importance in regard to salvation. God doesn’t want anyone to die not knowing Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Making the decision to follow Jesus Christ is easy. Just tell God you know you’re a sinner; that He gave His only son, Jesus, over to men; man crucified Him on a cross; but Jesus rose from the dead and gives us eternal life because of His resurrection. If you believe this in your heart and confess it with your mouth, you will be saved! The tough part is to follow Him. Just remember submission and obedience—your first two steps after Jesus. Find a church that follows the Holy Bible and teaches what is written in red; this is a good start. And if you said this prayer for the first time, congratulations!
Have a blessed week,
Pastor Claude
There are two key concepts that have be understood and lived out in order for this protection to encapsulate us. For starters, we have to be submissive to God. And not only God, but to those whom God has placed in authority over us. By placing ourselves in this position, we allow for God to protect us from any number of dangers that we cannot see physically or spiritually. Conversely, if we rebel against those in authority, we rebel against God and bring whatever destruction upon ourselves (see Romans 13:1&2). This isn’t the rebellion against tyranny or wrongdoing, but the blatant disregard for the laws of a society that are meant for the safety of its citizens. An example would be the driving of one’s vehicle at approximately 126 mph in a 65 mph zone; not a wise, submissive decision.
The second concept is similar to the first—obedience. God wants us to simply follow His direction in our lives, families, jobs, ministries, etc. If we follow God’s will in these areas, we will be an unstoppable Bride for Jesus Christ. The interaction of submission and obedience results in an incredible outcome. By giving ourselves over to God, we develop a broken and humble spirit (Psalms 51:16&17). We were blessed by a tongue and interpretation earlier during the worship service that asked this very idea of us. God let us know that He is in control of all calamities; He wanted us to submit ourselves to Him and lay our burdens down at His feet. Submission and obedience are two Kingdom Principles we should place at the forefront of our hearts.
On Sunday evening we continued our study of the book of Revelation—chapter 17. In this chapter John describes a prostitute (a one world religion) that the antichrist uses to secure his power. Over time the antichrist will destroy this religion and promote himself as God. The antichrist will then gather the kings of the earth (10 of them) and make war against the Lamb of God. Jesus “the true” Christ will overcome them and establish His kingdom (later in the book). What is of interest is how God will use evil people to accomplish His purposes and fulfill His Word. God will try to love humanity to Him, but sometimes God allows adversity to occur to bring humanity to Him. A visit from the Holy Spirit, in tongues and interpretation, earlier in the evening was similar. God wants us to come to Him, He desires it.
This is of upmost importance in regard to salvation. God doesn’t want anyone to die not knowing Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Making the decision to follow Jesus Christ is easy. Just tell God you know you’re a sinner; that He gave His only son, Jesus, over to men; man crucified Him on a cross; but Jesus rose from the dead and gives us eternal life because of His resurrection. If you believe this in your heart and confess it with your mouth, you will be saved! The tough part is to follow Him. Just remember submission and obedience—your first two steps after Jesus. Find a church that follows the Holy Bible and teaches what is written in red; this is a good start. And if you said this prayer for the first time, congratulations!
Have a blessed week,
Pastor Claude