Do you remember wanting that one gift that was absolutely necessary to have for Christmas? You wrote Santa Claus about it, you repeatedly told your parents of your desire to have such a treasured gift, and you may have even told your friends of your soon arriving gift. You would have done, or given, anything to have that gift within your hands on Christmas morning. To not have that gift within your possession on Christmas would almost certainly have meant complete disappointment. How could no one have heard you talk about that gift? You wrote to Santa, you told your parents, you even shared with your friends that it would be yours—and they were welcome to come over and play.
Believe it or not, God has a treasure that He greatly desires. He has let it be known that He wants this gift; He has written about it, He has told those around Him that He wants this gift, and He is willing to give up anything for this gift (and has). Do you know what this gift is? It is YOU!
All through the Bible, God has passionately sought after us—not just mankind in general, but as individuals. He is intent on having us with Him for all eternity. The angels in heaven know of His desire to spend eternity with us. In fact, on numerous occasions, God has sent them to us to deliver the important message concerning His love and longing for us. This message has also taken on the form of man, when Jesus Christ was born. God gave up a part of Himself for us. He, holy and perfect, left the glory of heaven to come to a filthy, dirty, evil world and live among us. Then, He allowed us to bind, beat, and murder Him. But, He did this so that we would learn from His teachings and receive eternal life from His death and resurrection—the power behind all that He has given us.
God desires you; even more than that, He treasures you. He wants nothing more than to spend time with you now, and in the future. Like a parent wanting to talk with a child, God wants to talk and spend time with you. He does this through the reading of His Word and through quiet time in prayer. The creator of the universe wants to spend time with you! What is the only thing that can inhibit this time? You. Don’t allow your wants to interfere with your relationship with God. He has paid an insurmountable price to spend time with you; recognize the value He has placed on you and let yourself be loved. One last thought—God has placed this value on every human being. Don’t believe me, check out John 3:16.
Remember to thank God for his ultimate Gift and have a Merry Christmas!
Believe it or not, God has a treasure that He greatly desires. He has let it be known that He wants this gift; He has written about it, He has told those around Him that He wants this gift, and He is willing to give up anything for this gift (and has). Do you know what this gift is? It is YOU!
All through the Bible, God has passionately sought after us—not just mankind in general, but as individuals. He is intent on having us with Him for all eternity. The angels in heaven know of His desire to spend eternity with us. In fact, on numerous occasions, God has sent them to us to deliver the important message concerning His love and longing for us. This message has also taken on the form of man, when Jesus Christ was born. God gave up a part of Himself for us. He, holy and perfect, left the glory of heaven to come to a filthy, dirty, evil world and live among us. Then, He allowed us to bind, beat, and murder Him. But, He did this so that we would learn from His teachings and receive eternal life from His death and resurrection—the power behind all that He has given us.
God desires you; even more than that, He treasures you. He wants nothing more than to spend time with you now, and in the future. Like a parent wanting to talk with a child, God wants to talk and spend time with you. He does this through the reading of His Word and through quiet time in prayer. The creator of the universe wants to spend time with you! What is the only thing that can inhibit this time? You. Don’t allow your wants to interfere with your relationship with God. He has paid an insurmountable price to spend time with you; recognize the value He has placed on you and let yourself be loved. One last thought—God has placed this value on every human being. Don’t believe me, check out John 3:16.
Remember to thank God for his ultimate Gift and have a Merry Christmas!