What an incredible service we had on Sunday morning! We were visited again by the Holy Spirit, and saw an amazing time of seeking God at the altars; people brought their faith along with their needs to the altars. By being obedient to God’s Word and utilizing their faith in their Creator, numerous individuals were given deliverance from their burdens. This was reiterated by the message God had prepared for that morning.
We continued our series, “Under Cover”, following the scriptures in I Samuel 15:22-23. If we decide that we would rather rebel against God and not obey His voice, He regards that behavior the same as witchcraft. In other words, it is detestable in His sight and noxious in His nostrils. Are you beginning to see how God classifies disobedience? Even Balaam, an old testament prophet who was hired by Balak to curse the Israelites, was obedient to God and only said that which the Lord told him to say (Numbers 24:12-13). Oddly enough, in the 25th chapter of Numbers, the children of Israel were disobedient to God. Fortunately for the nation of Israel, there were some who zealously valued and honored the name of God.
If we continually seek God’s will for our lives and follow His instructions, we will be protected by His hand. In Proverbs (chapter 26, verse 2), we learn that an undeserved curse will not come to rest upon our lives. That doesn’t mean hardship won’t show up, but we will be able to handle the adversity and come out better off than before. These hardships for the obedient create spiritual progress; however, they create a sore forehead for the disobedient (typical result of banging one’s head against a wall). God gently instructs us whenever we try to oppose Him, because He wants us to escape the trap of the devil, falling victim to his will. We can escape these traps and resist the devil by submitting to God—Satan has to flee, he has no choice (James 4:7). If you have never submitted to God’s will, or have tried to live life on your own abilities, now is an excellent time to give yourself over to God. On the right-hand side of this blog site is a simple prayer (“A Life Changing Prayer”). By believing not in the words, but in the meaning of the words, you will be saved! Congratulations, and keep seeking God daily! The reason why is down below.
On Sunday evening, we finished our study of the book of Revelation (chapter 22). What is personally fulfilling with the accumulation of the last several months is that in November of 2006, God revealed to me that I would be teaching this book in this church at an appointed time; a prayer journal holds the Godly insight from that moment. In this chapter we see the end of pain, strife, illness, etc.; God and Jesus are with Their people in the Holy City for the rest of eternity. Jesus stated that He is coming soon three times in this chapter; don’t turn a deaf ear to it. John welcomes Jesus to come back, as do we all. Finally, John closes the chapter in reference to the grace of Jesus Christ. This grace is what saves, heals, and frees us from the death of sin. God is calling out to you; He wants you there with Him in chapter 22. If you haven’t accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, now is the time (see “A Life Changing Prayer”).
The Holy Spirit graciously visited us three times on Sunday in the manifestation of 2 messages in tongues and a prophecy. First, God spoke to us from the throne room, asking us to give God our lives. Secondly, through a prophecy at the end of the morning service, God told us to take the sermon delivered to us and carry it in our hearts for the course of the week—don’t leave it in the sanctuary, live it during the week. Lastly, Jesus stated through another message in tongues that He was coming soon….be ready! How much more Godly encouragement can we handle?! I can’t wait until the 19th!
Have a blessed week,
Pastor Claude