Eastpoint Now

Eastpoint Now

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The One Thing

What is it that makes people of the Bible different from us? How are David, Mary, Paul, Samuel, Isaiah, Martha, Abraham, Moses…..different than what God has created in this day and age? What is it about them that made them special enough to be so used of God in their earthly lives? It is an answer that may be unexpected and difficult to digest, but here it is—Nothing.

Nothing about these individuals was extraordinary, nothing was extravagant, and nothing was regal. Nothing is the one physical characteristic that sets these people apart from us. We are no different than they are. We breath the same air as of their time, we consume food and water as they did for nourishment, we walk the same dirt that was present when they were alive, and we watch the same sun and moon trade places in the sky every day, just as they did.

The one spiritual characteristic that they, in the Bible, all share is the recognition of God’s calling upon their lives, and the full-hearted devotion they gave Him afterwards. They led lives that followed this commandment, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Deut 6:5, Matt. 22:37, Mark 12:30). Today, this begins with the saving grace of Jesus Christ. If you haven’t received Jesus as your savior, please refer to the section on the right entitled, “A Life-Changing Prayer”.

If you heed the call God has placed upon your life (and He calls on everyone—John 3:16) and give Him your life, there is nothing you cannot do. This is something else characteristic of these folks. Through the power, strength, and wisdom of God, they were able to accomplish impossible tasks and feats. Nothing was outside the realm of possibilities for them. God is awesome; only He can take people who have Nothing in common, and give them abilities such that Nothing is impossible.