Eastpoint Now

Eastpoint Now

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Drawing Near

Our second midweek service focused on our hunger and thirst for God. We were challenged through Scripture to examine our spiritual diet. Are we feasting on the things of the world or are we feasting on the things of God? Do we spend more time watching TV, reading books, magazines, going to the movies, or watching DVDs more than spending time in prayer and the bible?

The group was challenged to take a short test. Each person was asked to think about a Sunday morning service. Do we find ourselves squirming in our pews if the message goes past the "scheduled time", or are we constantly checking our watch to see what time it is because we know we have things to get done that afternoon? Each person was then asked to think about the number of times he or she looks at the time when they sit in the movie theatre during a movie. The answers to that test showed each of us what we are feeding on.

David wrote in Psalm 86:1 "Bend down your ear, O Lord, for I am poor and needy." David was one of the richest people in the bible, but he understood how poor his spirit was. We may look good and put together on the outside, but on the inside we need to have a broken and humble spirit to draw near to God.

James 4:8 "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you." We determine the level of our relationship with God, not Him. But, God is passionate about us. Remember, God ransomed Jesus for us at the cross. If God valued Jesus just one cent more than He values us, He would not have sent us His Son. We encourage you to be with us at 6:50 next Thursday as we explore experiencing God's true presence with John Bevere.