What is a miracle? Pastor is going to be speaking to us about Miracles this Sunday.
God opened the waters of the Red Sea so the Israelites could walked on draw ground. That was a miracle..
Jesus performed a miracle by turning the water into wine at a wedding.
The widow had a collector come to her house one day to collect her debt. She had no money. Elisha , the prophet told her to have her sons gather every pitcher the could find. When they did, she was to take the small amount of oil that she had and start pouring into all the pitchers. She keep pouring, pouring, and pouring until every pitcher was full. Then she went and sold the oil and that was her provision for as long as she needed for her and her boys. The small amount of oil became her miracle
Do you need a highly, improbable extraordinary event , development , or accomplishment to happen in your life? That’s called a miracle.
God still performs, directs and orchestrates miracles.
Read John 2: 1-11 and come to Eastpoint Sunday ready to hear Pastor’s encouraging and challenging word from God.