April 15, 2009
Easter Sunday was a near perfect Sunday as I have ever personally experienced. We had a great time of praise and worship, followed by an outstanding drama presentation.
The Lord had impressed upon me in the beginning of the week, how homes should be filled with peace. It is not normal for people to hit walls, argue all the time, and have continual combative relationships. God desires for our homes to be a peaceful haven. I made a plea for people to come forward for restoration of peace
to their homes. People came forward without hesitation. God did a glorius work.
At the conclusion of my Easter message, five beautiful adult souls responded to the altar call and asked Jesus Christ into their life to be their Lord and Saviour!
An Easter egg hunt followed our morning service for all the children in attendance.
God is moving in a mighty way here at Eastpoint. Please join us this Sunday morning at 10:30am as I continue my series "Living Life Wisely" part three. The sermon title is "Avoiding Arguments". We will continue our study of the book of Ruth in our 6:00pm evening service. We are gaining much insight into the book of Ruth.
See you this Sunday and you will be welcomed by people who love God and love you.
Pastor Claude