April 20, 2009
Yesterday was a great time at Eastpoint Family Church! After a time of marvelous praise and worship, I had a three pronged altar call. I invited those who were without jobs, those underemployed and those having financial difficulties to come forward and be anointed with oil and be prayed for. God’s Holy Spirit came to confirm His presence. It was a powerful time and we believe we are going to hear great praise reports in the not too distant future.
My Sunday morning message was “Avoiding Arguments”. The key verse James 4:1 (MSG) “Where do you think all these appalling wars and quarrels come from? Do you think they just happen? Think again. They come about because you want your own way, and fight for it deep inside yourselves.”
James chapter four gives us both the cause and cure for arguments. At the conclusion of my sermon many, many people responded for special prayer to help them “Avoid Arguments”.
Please join us this Sunday morning at 10:30AM, my sermon entitled Living In Godly Wisdom I’m sure God will speak to your heart because I always use God's Holy Word in my sermons. Our Sunday night 6Pm service, after a time of praise and worship, we will enter into “Pursing Jesus”. It promises to be a great time as we will be interceding before God for our own needs and others.
Please join with us. We look forward to seeing each of you this Sunday.
God bless you richly, Pastor Claude and Bonnie.