April 27, 2009
At EFC we desire to have an atmosphere where God’s Holy Spirit feels welcome and is therefore present in our services. We know that the Holy Spirit can do more for anyone in a split second than hours of preaching. We believe that because of God’s presence in our mist lives are changed and needs are met. It is common in our services that there is a message in “Tongues” followed by and “Interpretation”. This is in accordance to the Word of God. You can read about speaking in tongues in the book of Acts chapter two and in 1 Cor. 12:4-10 & verse 28. This past Sunday morning we continued our series “Living Life wisely”, Living In Godly Wisdom. The book of James chapter 3 verse 17 “The wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.” We need that kind of wisdom in our lives today. James tells us that Godly wisdom is really a lifestyle. Five adults accepted Christ as Lord and Savior at the conclusion of my sermon. We then observed Holy Communion. My wife and I served the emblems to our congregation, after all a “pastor” according to God’s word in first and foremost a shepherd. Our Sunday night service was one where we “pursued” Christ. We had mentioned repeatedly from the pulpit that Sunday night's service would be a special prayer time. When you or me or a church sincerely asked God to show up HE will and last night was no exception. Many people experienced real spiritual breakthroughs. The Holy Spirit spoke to one of our people to have a “Jericho March” and we marched around our sanctuary seven times just as the children of Israel did in the Old Testament. Just as the walls of Jericho "came tumbling down” so did spiritual walls that many had in their own lives. We believe God is going to move in a mighty way at EFC. God not man is going to impact the Pittman road area and many souls are going to be saved and lives forever changed for Christ! Please come and join us Sunday mornings at 10:30AM and Sunday night at 6 PM. To God’s glory we are seeing numerical growth. Numbers are important to God, He named a book of the Bible “Numbers”. Please join us this Sunday. I guarantee you will since the love in God in our church and the love of the “Eastpointers".
Pastor Claude