Last week we had a rummage sale. We sold over $370, which will go to a missions pledge that our Ladies Ministries made. Jo A. was very instrumental in coordinating the sale. Jo just recently started coming to Eastpoint. Jo has made new friends and those friends love her. She also has made a new commitment to obey Christ. Her life is changing. What if Jo did not start going back to church? That is a big IF, isn't/ it.
Lupe has started to come because of Julie who lost her son in a tragic accident. Pastor and Eastpoint Family Church ministered to Julie's family during their loss. Lupe saw the love and wanted to be a part of it. Lupe and Julie are now teaching Sunday School class and Julie just asked last week if she could start working in the baby nursery. She said God spoke to her through last week's sermon about Samuel. Just as God spoke to Samuel, God spoke to her.
What IF Jo, Lupe, Julie had not started back to church? Their lives would not be as fulfilled as they are becoming now.
Come ,Try Church, Try Eastpoint. The love of God is there and you will be loved.