A couple of weeks ago, the lights went at our house. So, I go for our trusty flashlight, which I could not find. There was a camp lantern we keep in the bedroom for emergencies, however the batteries were dead. I had put off getting our house a little more organized, and now I was paying the price. I needed to leave to go to Sunday night service. The car was in the garage and the garage was pitch black. I couldn't see to pull the string to open the garage door, since the garage door is run by electricity. Yes, I had candles but the hot wax run down my hand as I tryed to maneuver around with it. This experience made me think of a few things.
What would happen if this was a major disaster? Am I prepared?
Do I have my house in order? Am I prepared?
Later, I found 2 flashlights one in the garage and one under our bed. I had the resources all the time, but didn't have my house in order.
"Things and Situations" can happen in our lives and we are not prepared emotionally, financially. and physically. However, if we get our house in order spiritually , these diasters can be buffered by the God's Word, which should be our foundation. God has given us the Resource, The Bible.
We just need to read it, study it and believe it.
Come to Eastpoint and learn how to get prepared for lifes events.