Eastpoint Now

Eastpoint Now

Monday, July 7, 2008

From the Pastor's Heart

What an amazing week! Bonnie and I were able to spend a wonderful time of relaxation and fun with our daughter and two grandsons (unfortunately, our son-in-law was unable to make the trip). We are so excited to watch these two young boys grow into strong Godly young men each time we visit with them. It is good to know that even though we may take a vacation, the Lord never does. While we were with our grandsons this past week, we were able to witness to and invite several people to church. What a joy to know that God doesn’t take a day off, or even a time out from His work at hand—people.

Once our daughter and grandsons made it back home, we began to look forward to the many thrilling events taking place at Eastpoint Family Church. For starters, our 1st Youth Game Day (born out of the Senior’s Game Day) was a terrific time of fellowship and good-natured competition. Not only were the young in age there, so were the young at heart—apparently, there were re-matches to be had. Everyone had a great time as a result of the camaraderie and laughter that was present. We also were able to join Tasha in the celebration of her birthday. It truly pleases the heart of God to see His children of different generations come together and connect on more than a level of acquaintance.

Our week of firsts didn’t end there. On July 6th, we celebrated our 1st Annual Patriotic Sunday in observance of Independence Day. During this service, we remembered God’s hand upon our land through our praise and worship time, and we recognized those individuals who served in our nation’s military. These people are those who placed others before themselves in an effort to protect the freedom of America (see July 3rd blog entry). The message that followed involved the spiritual warfare that goes on everyday that many people fail to see, or refuse to see. In order to understand what is going on around us, we have to understand that God created us in the image of a warrior. In Genesis 2:15, we see that Adam not only tended to the Garden of Eden, he also took care of it, or “protected it”. In addition, Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace (keep an eye and an ear out for further study in the Book of Revelation concerning Jesus’ reign of peace on the earth), even tells us that if we are not with Him, we have to be against Him (Luke 11:14-23). In other words, you have to choose a side. Will it be the side of Jesus with eternal life in Heaven with God, the Father, or the side of the devil with only eternal death? Here’s something else to remember, it isn’t against each other we are to fight with, but with those allies of Satan that are trying to destroy God’s kingdom (Ephesians 6:12). The keyword here is “try”, for the battle has already been won—see Revelation chapters 20-22. As the service came to a close, we were able to seek God’s unmerited mercy, as needs were placed upon His altar.

We finished the morning with good friends and Gates Barbecue. The time of food and fellowship is more than an opportunity to eat; it is a chance to maintain and develop new bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood with our many “Family” members. God has blessed us with many diverse individuals, and we love being a part of each other’s lives.

Come join us for our Neighborhood Block Party on July 12th, 2008 starting at 11:00 a.m., and return for service at 10:30 a.m. on July 13th, 2008 as I conclude the sermon series on Landmines in the Path of the Believer.

Have a blessed week and remember, the spiritual warfare around us is alive; grab your sword (Bible) and prepare for battle.


Pastor Claude