Wow! What a four day period at Eastpoint Family Church we just enjoyed. Our “historic” week started with a tremendous prayer meeting this past Thursday night, the 10th. That is so fitting because everything starts with prayer; we will be letting you know about our next prayer time. We had a great “cell group” bible study this past Friday evening that involved wonderful fellowship and food.

Saturday was our much anticipated “Block Party”. We couldn’t believe it was raining Saturday morning, but the Eastpointers weren’t discouraged because we knew this day was ordained of God before history began. We moved everything inside into our beautiful Fellowship Hall; which God enlarged to accomodate everyone and everything. By 11:15 or so the neighborhood began to come. We had a cake walk, duck pond, and a ring toss. The KCMO fire department came and explained their equipment, distributed fire prevention information, and handed out smoke detectors (Thanks a lot, guys!!). Over 18 different businesses donated various prizes & gift certificates for our many guests. Our clothing ministry was in full operation and those that needed clothing were allowed to “shop” for themselves and their family. Everyone had free hot dogs, chips, soda, and dessert. Practically everyone present went home with a free gift of one kind or another, including salvation. For the day culminated with the delivery of God’s Word, presented by Richie Hanes & his wife Linda, and an estimated 24 decisions to accept Jesus Christ as Savior were made that afternoon!
On Sunday morning, a number of 1st time visitors were in attendance at our morning service. We enjoyed being in God’s presence through praise and worship, followed by the preaching of God’s Word. At the conclusion of the message, 4 people came forward and accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord & Savior! Sunday night’s service was highlighted by the ministry of Southern Gospel singer Roger Mills and the further study of Revelation (Chapter 10), followed by a time of fellowship & food. It was a four day period that all Eastpointers will never forget.
Pastor Claude
Pastor Claude