Here is a testimony of the love and grace of God. A group of workers where traveling home from a hard day working the sugar cane fields in Honduras. The road they drove on was a small, steep, winding road. Suddenly the truck lost control and rolled down an embankment, killing all on board save one man. This man was severely injured and became wheel chair bound. He lives in a small hut outside of a remote village with no indoor plumbing. This beliver must travel outside every time he needs to use the bathroom. Now, how in the world do I know about this man? Through the power of prayer. As he sits on top of a mountain in Honduras, he prays. In his flesh, he is thinking "has God heard my prayers?" How could he possibly know that a team of Christians are planning--right now--to travel to that very village, to that man's meager abode, and build him an indoor bathroom. There has been no television coverage of this unknown man's plight, just the power of an Almighty God who is everywhere at all times. By prayer, this disabled man was able to connect with his Creator, who in turn answered his prayer by using someone 5 countries away. Are you in a similar situation today? Have you offered up prayers that you think are only reaching the ceiling of your prayer closet? Have faith and do not lose heart, God answers all prayer. He too is at work in your life whether you live in a busy metropolitan area, a small farm in rural America, or on a cliff in the middle of Honduras.