What does it mean to be still in the presence of God? Some might think that praying quietly is being still, others may believe that hearing soft worship music in the background while thinking about the Lord is the answer. At Eastpoint Family Church, we experienced something totally unique; for we were extremely blessed by God’s Holy Spirit this past Sunday night.
Pastor Claude asked for those who were ready to be serious with God to come forward as a statement of intention. Only a few came, but to those few, God drew very close to them at His altar. As worship music was played ever so gently in the background, God’s Holy Spirit inundated the front of the church sanctuary. It wasn’t just quiet at the end of the prayer time, it was reverently still—not even children moved around in the sanctuary. As people quietly walked out, they didn’t talk to each other and made very little noise as they left the building; even the worship team quietly shut everything down without talking. God’s presence was there.
When people see someone famous, they stop moving, stare (with or without the dropped jaw), and cannot speak. This is exactly what being “still in the presence of God” means. You can be so incredibly awestruck by the greatness of God, the only recourse of action, sometimes, is to just breathe and know that God is near—and I mean incredibly near. Unfortunately, time passes too quickly and you don’t want the moment to end.
Being still in the presence of God is one activity not usually seen in some of the churches today, but it is always welcome. Furthermore, it is something you can do at home. Humbly seek God’s face and ask to know Him in a new way; I promise you He will draw near to you. He makes the same promise in His Word.
Whenever we stop and become still before God, it makes it easier for us to hear that still, small voice that Elijah heard while in the presence of God. (1 Kings 19:9-13)
Enjoy your time with God,
Pastor Claude asked for those who were ready to be serious with God to come forward as a statement of intention. Only a few came, but to those few, God drew very close to them at His altar. As worship music was played ever so gently in the background, God’s Holy Spirit inundated the front of the church sanctuary. It wasn’t just quiet at the end of the prayer time, it was reverently still—not even children moved around in the sanctuary. As people quietly walked out, they didn’t talk to each other and made very little noise as they left the building; even the worship team quietly shut everything down without talking. God’s presence was there.
When people see someone famous, they stop moving, stare (with or without the dropped jaw), and cannot speak. This is exactly what being “still in the presence of God” means. You can be so incredibly awestruck by the greatness of God, the only recourse of action, sometimes, is to just breathe and know that God is near—and I mean incredibly near. Unfortunately, time passes too quickly and you don’t want the moment to end.
Being still in the presence of God is one activity not usually seen in some of the churches today, but it is always welcome. Furthermore, it is something you can do at home. Humbly seek God’s face and ask to know Him in a new way; I promise you He will draw near to you. He makes the same promise in His Word.
Whenever we stop and become still before God, it makes it easier for us to hear that still, small voice that Elijah heard while in the presence of God. (1 Kings 19:9-13)
Enjoy your time with God,