“How much longer until summer vacation?” If you are hearing this question around your house now, be sure to come forward at the next service for special prayer—you may have a long road ahead of you. As the beginning of the school year has officially started here in the Kansas City metro region, parents and children alike are strapping in for the next nine months. Funny how a pregnancy is of similar length and experience—it’s fun in the beginning; however, at the end, you just want it over and finished.
Speaking of coming forward for prayer, the Holy Spirit visited in the manifestation of tongues and interpretation during the morning worship service. The message from the throne room was an invitation; “Come to God with your needs.” It is a simple request that we sometimes fail to recognize. We try to do everything in our own power, and usually fail. But if we come to God with those needs that are beyond our capabilities, He will answer them in His perfect way, in His perfect time.
As we continued our “Back To School” series, we saw this very concept active in the lives of Daniel and his friends (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego). We watched as the King of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, rounded up intelligent young men from their homes to serve in his governmental system. We also saw how Daniel was unscrupulously thrown into the lion’s den, and how the three Hebrew children were thrown into a fiery furnace so hot that the guards who threw them in, died from the intense heat. But through all this, these young men held true to their faith and belief in God. Their pre-established conditions on how to react and respond to any new challenge in their lives, helped to keep them holy before God in a new environment and new society. And because they stood for the right things in a Godly manner, God saw them through all of the trials they endured. As we enter new school and work environments, we, too, can stand for the right things in a Godly manner. Draw your moral line in the sand, and refuse to cross it.
Another aspect of school that is central to learning is teaching. We all have had those teachers who we will never forget, and some we wish we could forget. I asked four individuals to come forward and talk about one teacher who made a difference in their lives. The experiences ranged from teachers who made them think, those who encouraged life-learning skills at an early age, one non-teacher who mentored and guided a spiritual development, to one who encouraged another’s inner ability to accomplish any task with the gifts that God had given them. All four experiences were different, but yet similar—their teachers had placed a desire in them to become better than what they were when they began. We can see this same characteristic in our Ultimate Teacher, Jesus Christ.

Jesus began His teaching career at the ripe age of twelve, during the Festival of Passover. This was a time of learning for all present in the temple, including Joseph and Mary. They were given an insight into the life of the boy before them when Jesus answered their question regarding His whereabouts. However, neither Joseph nor Mary understood what their child was destined for at this time in their lives. I also find it interesting to comprehend the mindset of Joseph and Mary in the duration of this time. Both had been visited by angelic messengers from God telling of their honor of being chosen as the earthly parents to God’s Son. Both understood the responsibility placed upon their shoulders. And both have just lost God’s only begotten Son. I would say it is safe to deduce that an undocumented panic attack possibly took place. This frenzied behavior may have played a role in their inability to fathom Jesus’ mission on earth.
Before Jesus left this planet and ascended to heaven, He told of another teacher who would come and guide us into all truth. This teacher, of course, is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not a thing, but a He, as well. He only speaks that which He hears from the Father, and He is a guide to help us bring glory to Jesus and God, the Father. Because Jesus is our Heavenly Intercessor and He has sent the Holy Spirit to teach us, we can now have daily communication (talking and listening) with God. This is a win-win situation that can never be beaten.
Sunday night we were blessed with a message from a good man in our church body, Floyd Bessard. Floyd followed the third chapter of Matthew and its depiction of John the Baptist. John followed God’s calling upon his life without distraction. He did what God wanted him to do and wasn’t swayed by the populous or the governing bodies. And he had an opportunity that was not given to anyone else—he proclaimed the coming of the Messiah. He let it be known that One (Jesus) was coming who would baptize humanity with the Holy Spirit; a gift that everyone should receive after accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior. This message was compiled by God and delivered through Floyd for it followed the morning service’s same message—do not let the things of this earth distract you from the path God has you on, and the gift of the Holy Spirit is not one to turn down (receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, God wants you to have it so that you can have a deeper level of intimacy with Him).
We were also blessed to have two manifestations of the Holy Spirit in our evening worship service. The first tongue and interpretation told us to come to God for rest. This is similar to what the Holy Spirit shared with us in the morning service—come to God with whatever you have, or need help with; He is waiting to hear from you. In the second tongue and interpretation, God told us to be still for a few moments and listen for His voice. His voice was to tell each individual what He wanted in their lives at this point in time. Sometimes anticipation of such a gracious gift can override any amount of stillness we can muster. I pray that all those in attendance Sunday evening heard what God wanted to share with them. Even if some of us did not hear that night, it is comforting to know that God is so loving and compassionate that He will not give up on us and will try to talk to us again. If you have not encountered the love of God, it is a simple step of faith that anyone can do. Just tell God you know you’re a sinner; that He gave His only son, Jesus, over to men; man crucified Him on a cross; but Jesus rose from the dead and gives us eternal life because of His resurrection. If you believe this in your heart and confess it with your mouth, you will be saved! As you continue to grow as a Christian (read the Bible, pray to God daily, and go to a church that preaches the deity of Jesus Christ and follows the Bible), you will recognize the love of God in many forms. This love is not only a gracious, glorious gift, but is also an incredible encourager of a tattered soul.

Before we close off for this week, I want to express thanks, again, to Laura Vernon. She is a high school friend of Bonnie and me, who is now the director of the Youth Friends organization in the Independence School District. Youth Friends is a Greater Kansas City program designed to help those students who might be considered as “at risk”, or those who just need a friend to encourage them in school. A qualified adult Youth Friend spends one 15-minute lunch period (or a before/after school session) a week with their student, talking with them, playing board games, or discussing the nuances of square pizza (see previous post). A Youth Friend is exactly as the name states—a friend for someone who may need a little more help or encouragement. Thank you Laura for taking on such a noble task.
Fervently seek God’s face this week and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit; God wants to talk with you, He loves you,
Pastor Claude